Lunes, Enero 22, 2018

Online Games

What is Online Game?
An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available.

Online/Video Games Addiction
Since the early 2000s there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical studies examining various aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction. There is a lack of consensus as to whether video game addiction exists and/or whether the term “addiction” is the most appropriate to use. Some researchers use terminology such as “excessive” or “problematic” to denote the harmful use of video games. Terminology for what appears to be the same disorder and/or its consequences includes problem video game playing, problematic online game use, video game addiction, online gaming addiction, internet gaming addiction, and compulsive internet use. This entry uses the term “gaming addiction” to describe the phenomenon of excessive problematic gaming since there is demonstrable empirical evidence that such behavior can include all the core components of addiction including salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse                     
Video about online gaming addiction: